Hospice care is more than just treating the patient. At Envision Hospice, we know that providing care and support to the patient’s circle of support helps them to have the best possible end-of-life experience.
Each patient on service has their own dedicated interdisciplinary team that includes medical directors, nurses, aides, social workers, chaplains, and more. Each member of the team works with you to create an individualized plan that will support you and your personal goals and needs. This also includes supporting the needs your loved ones will have during this time.
A licensed social worker is a key member of your interdisciplinary team. They will be the individual who will be responsible for coordinating resources and family services as well as providing counseling and education.

A social worker is an advocate. We understand that navigating the myriads of community resources and the confusing healthcare system is the last thing any individual wants to do when facing a life limiting illness. Your dedicated social worker is here to help and will facilitate resources that will help make things easier for you in your individual circumstances. Caregiver Education
The end-of-life journey can be difficult for all individuals involved with the patient. It is especially difficult for caregivers who may be navigating unknown territory. Envision’s job is to help you, and your caregivers navigate the hospice journey and ensure that no one feels alone or unsupported. We work to ease the burden and stresses of caregiving by providing support, education, and resources.