Envision Hospice provides services that focus on providing compassionate care and support for individuals who are in the final stages of a serious illness. Pain and symptom management is a crucial aspect of hospice care, and our aim is to maximize your comfort and quality of life while respecting your wishes and providing support to both you and your loved ones.
As an individual approaches the end of life, they can experience different discomforts and negative symptoms. At Envision Hospice, we understand how crucial managing pain and other symptoms are to quality of life and preserving the dignity of the patient who has entrusted us with their care. We believe an individualized approach is key to effective management and will apply many available options to ensure that your needs are met.
It is extremely important for hospice care teams to conduct a thorough assessment of a patient’s symptoms such as pain, including its location, intensity, duration. Other systems monitored may include respiratory function, bowel & bladder function, physical function, and nutrition. We provide a thorough assessment of your care needs. We closely consider your medical history and pre-existing conditions. We then customize an individualized care plan based on this assessment. Your individualized plan takes into account your personal preferences, cultural background, and any specific goals or wishes that you might have.
Medications can be a primary tool in managing pain. They may include opioids (like morphine, fentanyl, or oxycodone) or other medications for breakthrough pain or to address specific types of pain. Our team regularly monitors you for changes in pain levels and any potential side effects from medications. This allows us to adjust your treatment plan in order to ensure that you remain as comfortable as possible.
In addition to medications, hospice teams employ non-pharmacological approaches to pain and symptom management. These may include techniques such as massage, physical therapy, relaxation exercises, music therapy, counseling or guided imagery. Our hospice care is based on a holistic approach. We work to support your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs in support of your overall well-being